Contractors are not one in the same. Finding a good one is like finding the right primary care physician for your family. The proper research must be done and sometimes you’re not going to get it right the first time around. To save yourself time and money, be sure to vet out your contractors properly. This is important for whether your looking for contractors in your business or for personal project such as the new deck you wish to build out back. Here are some of the things you should keep in mind when you’re researching these contractors.

Learning from others’ experiences can help you avoid major, costly issues down the road. Ask for references from people they’ve previously worked for. If they were referred to you by someone you deem trustworthy, still ask for more references because their goals may have differed from the goals of your project. If there’s any pushback from the contractor on providing you with references, take it as a sign to move on to another one. Contractors are a proud crowd in which they should be excited to share with you the work they have done for other clients.

When looking for the right contractor for your job, be sure to keep in mind their availability. Many contractors book out their schedules for many months to come. Keep in mind, the best contractors will often have something already in the works and won’t be able to get to your project for a few weeks. If there is a project you want completed, begin the hunt for a contractor a few months in advance.

Licenses and Insurance
When choosing a contractor, the cheapest one may also come unlicensed and uninsured. There are many things that can come back and bite you if you choose to hire someone who doesn’t have their license of the proper insurance. To avoid this scenario, simply ask to see a copy of their current license and proof of their insurance. If they aren’t willing to share this with you on the spot, eliminate them from your considerations.

Strong work ethic
Overall, you’ll want to find a contractor who is proud of the work they produce. You wouldn’t want to have to pay for your project twice. When hiring your contractor, be as clear and precise about what you want if you wish to see the best outcome. You don’t want to hire someone who will only do the bare minimum just so they can get paid and move on to the next project.