Cutting-edge technology is about to completely change the construction industry. More firms are relying on technology to deliver remarkable projects. Technology in the industry improves safety, efficiency, quality, productivity and also reduces costs. What are some examples of new technology in the construction industry?

Digital Communication and Virtual Reality
Construction software is making communication between different parties in a project coherent. Construction firms are having less paperwork as different tools are offering storage of all project files. A Connected job site allows everyone in the project to access and share drawings and documents. Many construction entities are embracing advanced mobile Apps for drone control, material ordering and time tracking.

BIM (building information modeling) is used to digitally build a project from start to finish. Constructors through 3D and 4D can experience the final product before even starting. The benefit of this technology is allowing changes before construction. It enables the workers to deliver quality and consistent products. It is ideal for planning complex industries.

Internet of Things
The benefits of IoT cannot be exhausted and in the construction industry, it has been embraced in several ways. Construction workers are wearing helmets that have sensors allowing them to get information on construction tasks, as well as caution them of a potential hazard. Heavy equipment can relay information on fuel usage and machine hours, a good example is an autonomous truck. The modern lighting system is embracing thermal sensors to detect the presence of a person.

Drone Imagery
Most sites adopt the use of drones for site analysis, measuring progress and productivity and to keep the site secure. The drone is capable of measuring accurately through the coordinate-based system. A user can map the site and create a 2D and 3D image.

They are great for repetitive, heavy lifting and dangerous work in the construction sites. The Semi-Automated Machine (SAM) is working with masons in bricklaying. The exoskeletons enable the workers to perform difficult tasks such as lifting, pushing or carrying heavy loads. The robotics reduce costs by increasing productivity and maintaining precision.

Green Construction
Construction firms are slowly embracing sustainable buildings that are beneficial to the environment. Developers are engineering living materials such as bones, coral, trees, and skin for their ability to self-repair when damaged. The materials have been used in a few buildings. Energy efficient buildings are being erected such as premises with better insulation that retain heat during the winter.