JB Hoover’s Blog

5 Trends Causing Change in the Construction Industry
The construction industry is in a state of change, prompted by environmental concerns, social reform, and new business models. Together, these factors are helping a few new trends to take the construction industry into a new era. Prefabricated Dwellings are in Demand...

The Process of Real Estate Rehabilitation – Steps 5, 6, & 7
Now that we covered the first four steps of the 7-step process let’s go over the final three steps of rehabilitating a home for resale. If you’ve read my past two blogs, you’ll know that the steps we’ve already covered are: creating a plan, preparing the scope of...

The Process of Real Estate Rehabilitation – Steps 3 & 4
In my last post, I introduced the 7-step process of rehabilitating a home for resale by discussing steps one and two. Step one: create a plan for how you wish to accomplish this rehabilitation by focusing on what repairs are necessary and what improvements should be...

The Process of Real Estate Rehabilitation – Steps 1 & 2
I find joy in working in the real estate rehabilitation business which allows me to take a bad situation and turn it into something good. The bad situation is when someone loses their home to a foreclosure, however, by flipping the home, those four walls can be sold...
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